Published by Chatwin Books

"Iván y Van is such a special children’s book. The writing is really beautiful and melodic, which makes it enjoyable to read aloud multiple times, which is a huge part of what I look for in a children’s book. The illustrations are gorgeous and colorful and soulful, with so much tenderness and emotion conveyed in the eyes and expressions of the characters. The pages have the kind of details you want to pour over and notice at each reading. And the story itself is moving and thoughtful and timely, bringing to life the experiences and inner world of a young person as he navigates leaving behind everything familiar, traveling to the US for work opportunities, and then returns to his hometown in Mexico with new friendships and a newfound appreciation for his family and their ways of doing things. This book is thought provoking and heart-filling, in its language and paintings and message, and I hope it finds its way into the homes of many families!"

- Jeffie, parent and educator


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